What are my main problems?
- keep track of all my todo's without forgetting the (for me) unimportant stuff
- getting new todo's in the system
- organizing my todo's
- organizing my notes that belong to the todo's
- Every morning read your mail, add the todo's to your list
- Close your mailbox
- Review your todo list
- Make a short-list for that morning
- Start to work
After lunch, the same thing.
How do I deal with this mail every day.
1. I use Apple's mail.app and I've set-up this system:
- INBOX - all unread mail
- Answer - These mails need an answer
- Follow Up - Answered them of just information I need to follow up on.
- Today - Need answering today
- ToDo - Make a todo from this
Create the following smart mailboxes:
- INBOX - all unread mail
- Answer - showing all blue marked messages.
- Follow Up - showing all orange marked messages
- Today - showing all yellow messages
- ToDo - showing all green messages
- Recently seen - for the mistakes or review
- Recently send - for review
Create the following shortcuts: (http://support.apple.com/kb/PH13916)
- alt-cmd-b = Blue (in dutch b for beantwoorden (answer)
- alt-cmd-o = Orange (in dutch o for opvolgen (follow up)
- alt-cmd-v = Yellow (in dutch v for vandaag (today)
- alt-cmd-t = Green (t for todo)
2. Close your mailbox, it will distract you from your work, if they need you they'll call.
3. Review your todo list.
I was a long time user of Wunderlist, great app on all platforms. But I discovered that I love text files, you can open it everywhere, small. And also organizing notes in outliners, but then I had problems with the files, large and I couldn't open them everywhere. Just recently I discoverd Taskpaper and I love it. TaskPaper — Simple to-do list software for Mac & iPhone It brings it all together for me I just love it.
I sync a file on dropbox wich I can open everywhere with a texteditor.
You can automate some more stuff with Tasklist: http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/wiki/TaskPaper
I use this option:
You can automate some more stuff with Tasklist: http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/wiki/TaskPaper
I use this option:
Service Menu ItemsService menu items provide similar functionally to the quick entry window. They allowyou to add new tasks to your list without switching to TaskPaper. To use the servicemenu:1. Select text in any application that you want to make into a task.2. Choose Application Name > Services > TaskPaper > New Entry and a new taskwill be created from your selected text and inserted into your lists Inbox project.
4. It helps me to create a list for me what is important for that morning. It gives me more focus and less cherry picking.
5. Start to work, there are a million things to explore, but it doesn't getting your todo's done, just add them to your list. You will get to it.
5. Start to work, there are a million things to explore, but it doesn't getting your todo's done, just add them to your list. You will get to it.
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